Thursday, October 11, 2007

Flashes of Geography

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve experienced a few rather odd flashes of geography.  No better way to explain it.  I’ll be sitting in the back of a cab, walking down a hallway at work, or in bed falling asleep. All of a sudden, I’ll have a vivid picture in my mind of a stretch of road—accompanied by knowledge of where that stretch of road is and when I was there. I’m not talking about conscious rememberings, but unsuppressible impressions of places I may only have been to once in my life years ago. Sometimes, if it occurs while I’m driving or in a taxi, there will be some visual similarity between my surroundings and the mental image. But not always.
This phenomenon has been happening 2 – 3 times a week for the past several weeks. It lasts a few seconds at most, and it usually conjures up both memories of the road systems and trip happenings. I’m not sure why it has been happening, or why it has come on so suddenly. Not that I mind it, as long as it isn’t a sign of neurological misfirings to come.

I'm curious to hear about other's experiences with unexpected geographical flashes...


  1. I had a geographical flash. . .but I called the police, and it turns out that he had flashed a lot of other women, and is now in jail. It was sad, because Florida looked a lot like Hawaii. . .

  2. I flash to places ALL THE TIME when I am traveling. Snips of roads, a similar bridge, a sign, a roadside stop...
    Sometimes I can discern a connection... sometimes not. (Though clearly my brain has made some connection it's not telling the rest of me about!) The flashes are most vivid when I am very relaxed, cruising on the interstate (which I do a lot of lately) and just letting my mind wander.
