Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Homes of My Ancestors

Homes of My Ancestors
Make yours @
Make yours @

I saw a link to a BigHugeLabs tool for embedding maps. So, I'd play around by putting in the countries my kid's ancestors came from. Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania. I think it tells a clear story about where we're from. Solidly Eastern European Jewry. I wish it went to the town level - I'll have to find a tool that does that quickly.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Triangle Shirtwaist Anniversary

The Triangle Shirtwaist disaster--the largest accident in New York's history before 9/11--occurred 100 years ago this year. HBO has a documentary and all of the networks are commemorating the tragedy, especially in light of the recent labor controversies in Wisconsin, Ohio, and elsewhere.
I don't believe that I had any family in the fire, but it wouldn't surprise me if I did. My ancestors, like many Jewish immigrants, worked in the garment industry in NYC. They were involved in the labor movements - one of my grandmother's brothers was involved in the leadership in one union, and was not a non-violent time. Going through the census records exposes the occupations: cutter, finisher, presser, etc. My maternal great-grandfather was a furrier and my paternal grandmother's family had a haberdashery!

I can't imagine the conditions that they worked in, and I can't imagine working in those conditions today. I hope the centennial of the tragedy leads to continued fair treatment of labor of all sorts.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Food + Genealogy = Love

I loved Top Chef this week. The contestants were taken to Ellis Island and asked to create a dish that exemplified their ancestry. I was in my element! I read a bit more about the genealogical investigation here, but not nearly enough for my taste.

The winner remarked, as she was planing with her mother, that she would focus on her Italian heritage and put her Jewish heritage aside. It was probably a good strategic move, but made me wonder what I would have made if I had been in her shoes (and if I could cook a whit). The world's best briscuit and noodle kugel? Sweet and savory rugeluch?

And what about Iron Chef: Battle Kosher? That I'd love to watch!