Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy New Year 2021!

These are unusual times; so many things are different from what they have been and what they should be. Still, I'm grateful for all the compassion and resilience shown in the midst of the chaos - and hope for more of both in the year to come.

Wishing you good health and lasting contentment in 2021!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Paul Weil's Bar Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah of

Paul Andrew Weil

פרץ חיים

14 November 2020

Paul Weil Standing In Front of the Torah

The Weil family is so excited that you are joining us for Paul's bar mitzvah! Although we wish you could join us in person, we are thankful that you can be with us virtually to share in this milestone in our family.

Important Links

Service Times 

Jewish Shabbat (Saturday morning) services can be quite long, and folks have asked us when Paul is going to be reading from the Torah and chanting the Haftarah. Below is a rough outline of the service schedule. Be warned: all times are approximate and might start earlier than indicated.

  • Service begins: 9:00 AM
  • Shacharit: 9:20 AM
    • Stanley Messer (Paul's grandfather) leading
  • Torah service: 9:50 AM
    • Many of Paul's family members will be called to the Torah. Check out the program for more details
    • Paul will be reading from the Torah, giving a d'var Torah (teaching), and chanting the Haftarah
  • Rabbi's remarks: 11:00 AM
  • Musaf: 11:15 AM
    • Shawn Weil (Paul's father) leading
  • End of service: 12:15 PM
Thank you again for joining us. Mazel tov!