Either way, I didn't have a clear idea of just what a pogrom was. A few years ago a gentleman sent me an account of a series of pogroms in Savran that occurred shortly before my grandmother's birth at the hands of the followers of Kozakov, Petliura, and Denikin. It is a painful account: translated below. The name "Bershadsky" is mentioned - and I believe he is a cousin.
The Attack on SAVARN in Podolia County
After the Passover 1917, a group of bandits came to Savran to raid the town,
and started attacking and raiding people homes,
“AGUDAT HAMAGEN” the protective group, scared them away. One of the
bandits was killed. The Christian town people retaliated, and killed the head of “AGUDAT
HAMAGEN,” Dr. Klein, and his father-in-law, Liev Alters, and attacked many Jewish
homes and stores.
From there on, there was no rest for the Jews of Savran:
Kozakov's troops raided Savran. Kozakov called the two village rabbis and
demanded a 200,000 Rubles “contribution” and made them responsible for all
that would happen if this would not be paid within one hour. The town Jews
collected the money, but failed to do so in an hour, so Kozakov left the town
with the two rabbis, captive, and killed them in a horrific way, torturing them
to death, making them eat rotten eggs and burning their beards while singing praises
for him. After crossing the river he caught three more Jews, an old man, and
the two sons of Moyshe Barshedsky and killed them as well.
The 200,000 rubles where given to the widows and orphans of
the rabbis by the town people.
After a while the troops of Danikin started to come to
Savarn, the first group caused no harm, and only asked for food supplies and
clothes, but after came Kazaks from those troops, and after taking what they
wanted (e.g., food clothes) they took a respected man, Shimon Elizepan, and whipped
him fifty lashes just for saying: ”We can’t leave a Jewish town without leaving
any mark passing through.” They laughed and the man fell to an illness for
three months after this.
And when the Danikinians were killed of the hands of the
Soviet troops, they came back to Savarn and slaughtered the entire Jewish town
folks, it was Saturday (morning of
Shabbat) that the first faction came of fleeing Danikinians and demanded “contribution” but then the town
bells started , and they fled. But at noon came the second faction, and started
the slaughter any Jew caught by the faction was killed on the spot. Old people
were butchered, little children were torn to pieces which were thrown to the
faction's dogs, every women between 12 and 70 years of age were raped and then killed in many horrific ways.
At first the Danikinians
tortured their victims to get word of the hiding places where they
stashed their belongings. After taking their possession they also took their lives. Thus, they took
200,000 rubles out of the old man BOYKES hands and promised when he gives the
money they will let him live, after taking his money, they put him against the
wall pour oil on him, and torched him alive, counting the money in front of his eyes, while the poor soul was
screaming and burning to death.
Then they killed his son.
SHAUL (SAUL) CHERNOAUS son, a five year old, they found
under the bed, hiding , they asked him ”Where is your father?” "I don’t know"
the boy said. Immediately they cut him to pieces and threw his remains to the
Israel Arages' wife, a very beautiful and graceful women,
they took, raped, and decapitated.
The faction was accompanied by many of the important
Christian community leaders which led them to the hiding places of the Jews.
All the Jews were killed by crude weapons. One Jew plead to
be killed by a rifle, and got this answer: “Every bullet is now very
expensive, pay us the bullet price, and
you will get killed this way.”
The killing lasted three days, and after ten more days, more
Danikinian factions came and again
butchered, raped, robbed and pillaged the town Jews. The casualties toll came
to approximately 800 people. Many of Savarn Jews fled to the nearing villages where they died of cold or hunger.
In Savarn few Jewish families stayed, but they were also harassed and driven
out by the Christian families.
The state of these families is evident by this fact:
A Jewish student from Savarn traveled to Odessa with two
Christians, and they stayed in an inn together over night, were they stole his
money: 35,000 rubles. When the Soviets learned of this, they came to the hotel,
checked the Christians satchels and found counterfeit money in their
possession and guns. They were of
course arrested. After a few days a poster was hanged on a wall in Savarn :
“Communist Yids:
If you will not return
our people, we will slaughter you all. Petliura slaughtered you all and didn’t
finish; Danikinians slaughtered you all
and didn’t finish; we will slaughter you
all - and will not leave even a baby in his crib.
The Alliance of Destroyers.”
(These are the words of Savran refugees.)
The Attack on Savran in Podolia County. from "Hebrew Yearbook for Autobiography, Ethnography and Folklore - Reshumoth" (Volume 3). Berlin 1923 (Moriya – Devir publishers, Jerusalem –Berlin). Pages 425 - 426.
I am grateful to my cousin Ruby for translating this horrific document.
ReplyDeleteI am a member of the Elizafan family. One of my grandfather's brothers was also named Shimon. My own great grandmother was Beile (Elizafan) Hochman, or Goichman in the Russian period. Have you found the original book? Do you have anything regarding the familY? Peter Hoffman in Rehovot, Israel.